from friday to sunday..
what a wonderful fun-filled weekend (:
it's really been long since i enjoyed myself this much. thanks to everyone who made my weekend the best memory one can ever ask for (:
well.. let's see.. first up....
15june, friday.
training and physio day as usual.
den there was cell group!! (:
well.. first thing first (: this time's cell group we had lynnette and leeying back with us!!! (: how great can things get??! (: i really miss those girls very much. if you girls ever chance upon this.. i cant wait to be going for the next cg meeting with you girls!! (: i really enjoyed your company.. and i really missed the times we had in the past very much!! rahhhhhhhh!!
okok.. back to the meeting.. well ailin and i led games again.. haha.. erm.. i'd say it was very much better than last week :D oh well..!! but still ailin still makes a much more fun game master.. it's obvious. at least to me it iz.
i guess the thing about friday's meeting was that the atmosphere was really different. i cant express it in words.. but yeah.. the feeling the whole thing was juz "pure" in a way. it was clean and refreshing, really.. i could really feel His Presence and His Love. and when BK said nat, God wants to refresh you and take away all your burdens. i thought i saw a moment's of light and breeze and i felt really light i began to tear. it's not often but at least i still know that i can feel it. oh how much i miss this all.
all in all.. i still cant help but say i love w115 alot. truckloads. together we've built this cell group to where it iz now. bit by bit, step by step. it really iz a privilege to be part of this cell group. there's so many things i wanna say but i juz dunno how.. well i juz wanna believe that we can together bring this cell group up to yet another level. there's sooooo much more that we can do and soooo much more that God can use each and everyone of us. to be the assets to society and problem solvers to each and every person around us.
and juz a little dedication (:
to david.
thanks for being the few that brought this cell group to where it iz now. each time i tink about how the cell group was at the start of the year til where it iz now.. i cant help but tink of the many things you did to bring this family together. from being random strangers, you've brought us closer and bonded everyone of us together by including everyone. thank you david (:
well.. bk sent ailin huanli and i home. well we had small talks on the van.. and thus begins my confusion yet again.. you know i probably dun tink you ever drop by here.. but still..
5years. from dating to marriage.
as much as i'm tempted.. i dun want to rush into something that doesn't have my leader's blessings.. neither do i want to risk the chance of more self-inflicted hurts. sigh this really shouldn't be the time. it really shouldn't.
16june, saturday.
well i met ziqi and passed him some yummy stuff x)
den we headed to NTUC to shop. haha!!!
how to select a fresh piece of chicken breat meat:
- the look of the meat cannot be "dirty" too bloody...
- the meat should have a little tan xing. "bouncy". (how do you tell if meat iz bouncy..?? ziqi wanted to bounce it on the floor like a bball :D)
- the meat should be pinky whitish..
well and we managed to decide on a piece of meat. haha!! shopped for milk and sauce and bread den i headed off to orchard.
met up with jere for a little window shopping spree. den we headed down for service and it was probably the first time i reached expo soooooooooo early. x) waha. i regret to say =P
service was great. salt of the world. 7needs that every soul should be satified in. i guess there's juz this one that i really need to work on. this one that has been screaming and yelling for my attention but yet i always seem to neglect and ignore it's cries. argh. i need my conviction and i need determination and willpower!! work on it nat. stop procrastinating!!! grr
after service.. i didn't meet the 1h02 girls up ): saddddd. but they were already like leaving one-by-one la. ): sigh.. next time i'll try to make it for the gathering right from the start!! if not i'll really feel very weird to juz go there for a while and seeing people go off. rah. sorry girls.
instead. i headed down to marina square to meet my track seniors up (: well it's really been very long since i saw all of them. and ever since the start of june trainings, i've already been missing all of them and of cuz all the times we spent with each other exactly a year ago. it was the time we really bonded together as seniors and juniors. well.. so it was good that we managed to meet up (: surprisingly they met at 630pm. and when i reached at 9+pm. they haven even ordered their food yet. :D so i managed to have dinner with them at pizza hut. and it was on arvin. thanks arvin!! (:
well dinner was funny and entertaining as usual. with the arvin tang and the uncle teo and alvin. x) sigh. i really miss all the fun times they've brought. like a wave of memories come back.
after dinner we headed down to the arcade for a short while.. they played some game called panic mix..?? cant rem.. but it was really funny :D aye the few times i step into a arcade. each time i go in iz cuz friends are there. well and each time it iz them who make everything seem so fun (: even though i dun enjoy arcades very much :D
after that we hung out at starbucks. slacked and lazed around. listening to all the army talk. all the funny little things that happened in camp :D esp the arvin's koala bear incident x) heh. shhhhh.. if you wanna find out more you've gotta ask arvin yourself :D it was really funny. we talked and talked alot.. cant even rem what we talked about.. but i guess i juz enjoyed the company very much.

when we were about to leave......
as we stepped outta starbucks, we decided to take a few pictures.. in which a few became alot. :D cam whoring time!!!

the last time i cam whored was 5837412983years ago. i miss the times of taking out my cam and snapping everything. but now i cant find anything nice in mind to snap. maybe i should once again wipe the dust off my camera and act like a tourist.
after that when we really decided to leave. it was like 1am+?? so we had to cab home. mr tang called for a cab. but the stupid uncle was a blockhead.. izzit really difficult to make 3stops?? boo! in the end he only made one stop. and that was to arvin's.. and so arvin was nice. he sent serene and i home in his car. hrmph. so you tink taxi big la!! arvin got car too k!! x) and his car still had a few doggie plushies whom which i could hug too!! (: waha. well we talked a little and i reached home safely. (: thanks arvin yet again and again and again!! it's not surprising why arvintang iz my fav senior (:
sigh. i really miss the times we shared last year. guess serene iz right..
"only when you lose something then you will want to value it more. "
i'm really glad this gathering happened. (: and i'm already looking forward to the next one. my happiness that night iz unexpressable except for the many smileys i had. ( : ( : ( : ( : ( : !!

17june, sunday.
tuition as usual. slacked out at my granny's a while. headed home. headed out to meet the birthday boy :D walked around aimlessly shopping for a shirt. aye!! i still tink the 119's better. but oh well!! :D ended up dunno what to do so headed home. well hope you enjoyed yourself!! (: happy birthday!!
*throbs @11:22
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